Benefits and Risks
Parents should discuss the health risks and benefits with a doctor and decide if this procedure is right for their family.
Various health benefits are associated with circumcision, including a decreased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and a decreased risk of contracting some sexually transmitted diseases in adulthood.
Doctors may not recommend or may delay the procedure if a baby is premature, has a family history of blood-clotting disorders or if the child’s penis has a physical deformity.
Within the first 10 days of a baby’s life, the penis and foreskin are cleaned, and after a numbing cream or anesthetic is applied, the foreskin is removed. The procedure takes about 5 to 10 minutes.
After the Procedure
At first, a little swelling, redness and possibly blood may be present. Discuss with your baby’s pediatrician if these symptoms worsen, if he is feverish or if he doesn’t have a wet diaper within 12 hours.