Testicular Torsion
When tissues around the testicle are not attached well, this causes the testes to twist around the spermatic cord. When this happens, blood flow to the testicle is cut off and causes pain and swelling.
This condition should be treated as a medical emergency.
An uncommon problem, torsion may happen during exercise, sitting, standing or even sleeping.
Sudden, severe pain on one side of the scrotum. One testis is larger than the other and may turn red or dark in color. You may be feeling nauseous and vomiting.
Call your doctor or visit the emergency room even with no swelling or change in skin color.
Testicular torsion is often diagnosed with a physical exam by a doctor and possibly X-rays. Ultrasound and other techniques may be ordered to check blood flow to the testes.
During a surgical procedure called orchiopexy, the testicle is untwisted then stitched into place to prevent further incidents.
If surgery is delayed more than 12 hours, a patient may need an orchidectomy to remove the testicle.